Friday, May 30, 2014

The first 24

We're here! Holy smokes! It's been quite a day. Or day and a half. Whatever day this is.

We left Kenosha at 10am after saying goodbye to sweet nephew and SIL. We were driven to O'Hare by Joseph, friend of Dave, silent deliverer of Scotch, and former Japanese arsonist. We got to our gate and were happily waiting when we heard there would be an hour delay because the pilots we needed were late coming in. Ok, no problem. That gave us time for lunch and we had a long lay over in Toronto anyway.

Ended up being more like 1.5 hours late. The pilots were a hoot -- from the moment the first one spoke, I think I said, "Is he drunk?" Then he said, "Sorry we were late -- we were coming from Las know..."

Later, he announced we couldn't land because there was a storm over the Toronto airport. He told us to look out the window so we could see it. Then he said, 'Well, we've only got 30 minutes of fuel left so hopefully we'll be able to land before then or we'll have to do the alternate."

When we were cleared to land, he said, "The seat belt sign is back on so plan your activities accordingly."

Hilarious. Once we got over that, we had a grand time at the Toronto airport, which is awesome. Bars where all seats get an iPad and free wifi. You can order food and drinks or just sit and surf.

Our flight to Reykjavik was great. Icelandair is really nice. Was so happy they gave us bottled of Icelandic water when we boarded, and really warm blankets and pillows! Dave and I lucked out and got an emergency exit row -- tons of leg room and no one else sat in our row:) Woohoo!

The flight was only about 4.5 hours. We both slept some -- maybe 2 hours at most, I'd bet. About 1.5 hours before landing, Dave opened the window shade. We all had them closed because we were flying into sunlight-- only a little bit of darkness here right now.Anyway -- we were right over Greenland! It was snowy and icy and amazing!

Here's some shots from our first experiences with Iceland today! We hit the ground running and are still going.

The first coffee after deplaning.

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