Things had been going exceedingly well. We were in Miami, having gathered bags, and clearing customs. Jason called us an uber and eventually it found us. You just never really know what is going to happen at an airport uber pick up spot. It’s never normal. Ever.
But, things were still looking up- I mean yes it was now 5 am but do you know when a good time to drive through Miami is? 5 am. We arrived, sort of, and eventually had to walk around a building with our bags because someone thought it was clever to hide the hotel entrance around in what looked like some industrial parking garage. Cool.
Now, here’s where it gets good. Imagine this scene - it’s cold for Miami. Maybe 50. We’re tired. We’ve been traveling forever. We know we are way too early for check-in but we have good status with this hotel chain so we’re hoping to get lucky. The lobby is oddly dark. I suppose it was time appropriate but not really business appropriate. There was one lady at the desk.
“Hello,” she said. “How are you?”
“We are ridiculusouly early to check in!” I said in the most yay, I’m fun and awesome voice I could muster so she would think we were cool and give us a room.
“Ok, let’s take a look.”
See? That started so well. Then she said, “Good news - I am able to upgrade you. The room is ready but there would be an early check-in fee.”
RELIEF! YES! I think early check-in fees are dumb but also, whatever. Jason said, “Ok, how much is it?”
Nothing could have prepared us for her saying, “$500”
I’d been traveling a lot and my brain immediately had a thought so I said, “500 dollars? Like in USD?’ Cause pesos was sounding up my alley.
And thus, a very bad situation began. She would not budge when politely asked. I mean, the room was ready. What difference would it make? So, there were 2 chairs in this dark lobby and they were by the exit door. It was cold, dark, uncomfortable but only 10 hours till check in so that was good. WHAT.
And, this next part is what really did us in. I am not making this up but I will tell you with extreme confidence that if you want to drive someone out of their mind, I know how. Because in this cold, dark lobby where we had to sit in these dumb chairs for 10 hours, there was also an alarm going off. Not someone’s iPhone alarm. Like a monitored door had been breached.
We sat with this for about 2 minutes and finally Jason said to the lady, “Can you not hear that?”
She said, “What?” Like -dead ass. Not being snarky.
Jason, “The alarm that’s been going off the entire time we’ve been here.”
“Oh, that goes off on its own.”
Now let’s skip ahead to the part where I let you know THIS WAS NOT TRUE. It did NOT GO OFF. About 45 minutes later, with Jason seconds from murder, some random man walks in the front door, goes over to the alarm door. Sees it going off and walks right back out. A few minutes later, he comes back, punches in the code, and the most exquisite, glorious silence I’ve ever experienced in my life happened. I almost ruined it by saying to the woman at the desk, “Seriously? What is wrong with your ears?”
Was she torturing us? Could she not hear it? Is she that callous? So many questions here.
Awhile later, I asked for a bathroom and she sent me up a floor. You know what’s on floor two? A massive, living area with soft couches, comfy chairs, etc. It was warm. FOR THE LOVE, why didn’t she tell us to sit up there?
About this time, Jason is blowing up the hotel chain about it - including sending a video of the dark lobby with the alarm blaring. Now, hear me - we were polite the whole time and we understand check in times. We were going to wait. Our issue began when she said the room was READY. No one else could be in it between then and us checking in. It was already clean. What’s the deal? If there is one, explain it!
So, the hotel chain was equally horrified and before long the daytime supervisor arrived. Guess where she was from?
Guess what the first thing she asked us was?
“Where are coming in from today?”
About 10 minutes later, we were in our upgraded room with $0 in early check in fees. It was about 8 by then. Jason was pretty much done with life at this point and went to bed. I took a shower and felt surprisingly good so I went downstairs to the lobby restaurant for coffee and food. Both were delicious! This was not your average hotel restaurant and, in the spirit of Miami, had lots of wide open doors to the outside. I love a good open air place.
Later after we’d both napped and cleaned up, we went on a walkabout looking for a late lunch place. We found a terrific row of restaurants and bars and found some amazing tacos and margaritas. The weather this time of year there is perfect - about 70, sunny, and humidity in check.
We began attempting to rearrange all the things for the final flights home the next day. This is perhaps the thing I hate most about traveling. The annoying manhandling of the crap we have to carry around over and over again for each different mode of transportation requirement. But alas, it must be done.
I wanted to take Jason to the cool Argentinian-esque hotel lobby restaurant so we went down for wine. Turns out, it was wine Wednesday and bottles were 50% off. Praise the Lord. We saw some intriguing Argentinian wines but had no way of knowing if they were good. But then I remembered our new best friend, Jose, from the wine bar in Buenos Aires. I sent him a WhatsApp message with a screenshot of the wine list and a moment later he told us which to choose. We did and man was it terrific! I love making new friends!
While we sat there - super early for traditional dinner in Latin countries and apparently Miami, the cooks were prepping and doing interesting things. There was a full Argentinian wood burning stove going and we watched them grill up fresh pita bread. I guess I was drooling because before long the chef brought us a treat for free to try! I can’t remember what he called it but some little pita bread-beef sandwich grilled to perfection with a delicious savory yogurt sauce. That was enough to be our dinner since the tacos weren’t all that long ago!
Happy with the way the day ended, we went up and sat on our really cool balcony. It had a very comfy day bed big enough for both of us. We sipped our delicious wine and had a cheers to our last night of the trip!
Love it Rachel. Thanks for sharing.