Monday, June 10, 2019

Breaking News: The Irish Don’t Use Kleenex

We’ve now stayed in 7 different places and none of them have had any sort of tissue other than toilet paper.


Never any kitchen towels. This was really puzzles me. Only a single sponge. At the first house, the little book left said it had kitchen towels so I emailed to ask where we could find them. They said they didn’t provide any. I guess they only use the dishwasher and never dry their hands?


With coffee service, there are always what looks to be little creamers but they are always just milk!

Which reminds me:

We have yet to see a single chubby Irish person. For some reason, I imagined we would see more. They are all quite trim.


The whole country is just so quiet. Not quite as quite as Iceland...but very, very quiet. We’re constantly having to lower our voices or tell each other to bring it down a notch.

Which brings me to:

We’re often stared at. Obviously, Irish people can tell we’re not Irish. In smaller villages, it could just be that they know we aren’t from there. Sometimes, perhaps we are forgetting and being loud. All the time I’m wearing hot pink sneakers. But, what else is it? How do they alway know?

This is why travel is so fun. I love experiencing all these things!

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