Monday, June 10, 2024

Antibes, Day 2. The walkabout and the bathroom corn dog.

 We had a good night’s sleep. I’m always thankful to find a nice, comfy bed each time we check in to a new place. I remember the days I could sleep in a sleeping bag on the cold hard ground- but today is not those days.

I got up and made some fresh freeze dried coffee and sat on our rooftop patio enjoying the early morning sunshine. The weather was perfect. Right around 70 and sunny most of the day. 

A bit later, I wandered into the bathroom to put in my contacts and that’s when I made the most spectacular observation. Behold - the bathroom corn dog! What does it do? Why is it there? Is this the only place in the world to have such a thing? I had so many questions!!

Anyway, after such an amazing discovery, we decided to go on a walkabout. I made us a quick 3 egg omelet to share and we regretted not having any bread to go with it. On the agenda: find bread!

We took off walking and quickly found an amazing outdoor market with all the good eats! We had about 40 euros cash from our last European trip but decided to wait to buy since we were going to walk awhile. I overheard a mom tell her daughter that the sea wall was up to the left so we said, “why not!” And up we went. The views did not disappoint!

What a gorgeous place! We know why Pete and Mandy like it so much. It’s so lovely but very calm, quiet, easy, and chill. 

As we came back around into town, we decided to stop and have some drinks, which turned into a light lunch because we lingered!

Afterwards, we decided to carry on walking around town and try to get some bread. By the time we made it back to the market, they were all packed up. Dang it! But, we’d walked past the grocery store again so we grabbed a few more things and then headed towards a wine shop we’d seen near the market earlier. It was small and jam packed with awesomeness. We were hunting for French Chardonnay or other such white Burgandies. The shop keeper helped us out - the bottles were on the very bottom shelf! We kept our American view of the bottom shelf at bay and purchased his recommendation, which was a bottle of French Chardonnay for 22 euros. We were also just on the outside of the Provence area so we obvs had to grab a bottle of local rose. (FYI- they were both wonderful!!)

We also noticed that they were a Foie Gras shop and, you know, when in France! So, the shop keeper helped us find the right size/most fresh/container we could actually open with our limited kitchen tools.

We headed back to drop everything off and enjoyed a little snack with the rose and the foie gras and may I said that it was absolutely amazing and I’ve never tasted anything like it here in the US.

Everyone else was sightseeing and Pete and Mandy were going back and forth to the airport to guide everyone in and making the rounds to see everyone, so we just continued on enjoying the day. We went to this amazing restaurant later for dinner. Everything was delicious and the service was fabulous. As we started the extremely short walk back to our apartment, we ran into part of the crew having drinks, literally down the stairs from our place! So, we joined! When we asked the waiter to take a pic, he grabbed one of himself;)

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