Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Leaving Antibes: Why Am I Again Ironing My Underwear?!?!?!

 Sadly, we woke up the day after the wedding knowing we had to pack up and head back to London. Almost a full year ago when we first found out about the wedding, we’d immediately booked this apartment for 9 days. Mostly, that was because we weren’t sure exactly what day the wedding would be yet so we were just holding space. Once the plans solidified, we shortened the time in Antibes to allow for more relaxing time heading home.

Now, our preferred mode of travel is cruising. We were making some comparisons as we packed for this trip because it’s been awhile since either of us has done a long trip on land. Some things that are just great about cruising v. Land:

  • When cruising, you know there will be shampoo, conditioner, and soap
  • When cruising, you know there is always access to a washer and dryer
  • When cruising, you get to your cabin and your stuff stays put no many how many countries you see. You can pack all the things you want to because you don’t have to deal with carrying them too much.
  • When travel logistics need to be logisticated, the ship helps. This doesn’t mean they aren’t annoying about it. Cause sometimes they are SO annoying about it.
  • Sea days. Oh, how we love sea days. Early in my cruising life when I was only on the ship for 7 days, I hated sea days. Why would I want to lose a day staying on the ship?!?! But when you get on the 30+ voyages, sea days are a balm. Just that little break to slow down, regroup, take it easy. You cannot go go go and really still be enjoying every moment. You eventually wear down and then break down. And this is where we return to Antibes…
So, we decided to build in some sea days. We’d already been traveling for 2 weeks at this point and we had another week to go. As much as it didn’t feel good in the moment to leave this beautiful place and these super fun peeps, we needed a sea day.

Pete and Mandy being the amazing hosts they are, offered to meet us at high noon when we checked out to walk us to the train station. (Not a Yellowstone reference). I’d already looked at the map and also basically recalled enough that if we loosely skirted around the marina we would run into the station BUT we were happy to get a few more minutes with the bride and groom so we said let’s do it!

Our checkout process involved taking out the trash and putting all the linens in the bathroom. Well, we also washed and put away the dishes, but we did that the night before. The trash would normally not be an issue except remember the dreaded stairs! Also, someone in this apartment drank a lot of wine. While I’m not sure who, I was sure who needed to take the empties down to the trash cans. Interestingly, our apartment was at the intersection of our narrow little residential street and the Main Street that bars, restaurants, and the market were on. On that main road, there was a hedge around a bunch of dumpsters and recycle bins and everyone could just add their trash. They seemed to come by daily to empty them. As someone who drives my trash 4 miles down the road in my suburban every week, this was pretty rad. After that, Audrey magically appeared at noon and we handed her our key. She didn’t even go look at the place! Very trusting. 

The last chunk of foie gras, the last Amarone, and the adorable little clean kitchen as we left. In these cabinets are a fridge, washer dryer, and dishwasher. So efficient! 

And with that, we set off to the train station. If you know me, you know we were heading that way 3 hours early because I refuse to be rushed or stressed on travel days. I have traveled a lot. A LOT. And when I tell you that if it can go wrong, it will go wrong on a travel day. You need time to flex. You also need time for a cocktail. I mean. Priorities. 

When we got there, Mandy used the kiosk to buy our tickets and then we cruised over to the platform to wait. It seemed like we had just missed one train so the next would be there in 20 minutes. About an hour later, neither train had actually showed up. There was some messages being aired but we didn’t know what they said although the evidence told us it said - something was up and the trains were delayed. About this time I joked, “Maybe we should take an Uber.” Mandy said, “I think so.”

So, we walked out front of the train station and there was one taxi sitting there. Awesome. Problem was, there wasn’t a driver in said taxi. So, we waited. We looked around. We waited more. Hmmm.
Finally, the driver slowly emerges from around the side of the station. He’s very unconcerned. We asked about going to the airport in Nice. He considers it, slowly, and finally says, “Sure. Why not.” And you know, before that moment it never really occurred to me that he might say no. As we hug goodbye, Pete says to Mandy - maybe we should ask him how much this is going to cost them. Mandy asks. He says $55 euros. I’m willing! 

Now, we’re driving to the airport which is a gorgeous coastal drive. It’s about 14 miles which takes a lot longer by car than train. We finally get there and I am delighted to see that even in the airport there are outdoor cafes! We are starving and can’t wait to eat. We go to check our bag and realize Mandy wasn’t lying when she said sometimes it takes a long time to check in at Nice. By the time we get through that, passport control, and their version of TSA/security we now only have 1 hour to take off. KIDS- ARE YOU PICKING UP WHAT I’M PUTTING DOWN ABOUT LEAVING A LOT OF WIGGLE ROOM IN TRAVEL DAYS? Cause you know who still had time for lunch and rose? That’s right- the Thurmans did. 

You gotta love the food choices in the terminal being only wine and these gorgeous handmade sandwiches of tomato and ricotta. If only they had some Hope in Spades EVOO to drizzle. All this craziness had Jason sweating profusely as you can see from the fact that napkins literally hung from his face. Do we know how to party or what?

We fly back to London Heathrow - this time without Troy Aikman. We had a hotel right near the airport because- sea day. It only took us 5 minutes by taxi to get there and that was mostly just trying to get out of Heathrow. However, we couldn’t just roll in and relax because… bed bugs.

We were VERY worried that despite all my late night and early morning laundering and high temp shrinking of my clothing, we might still have a creature or two clinging to dear life in our bags. We had a plan. 

The plan was- get into the room and place everything up on the desks and dressers. Nothing on the floor. Strip everything off and also place it up high. Then, while standing there incredibly awkwardly and naked, steam iron whatever you are going to wear that night in the room (or wherever else). I can testify that never will you ever think so hard about steam burns as when you stand naked with a steamer in your hand.

So, once again on this trip, there I am ironing my underwear and honestly thinking about my life choices. How did I get to a place where I now regularly iron my underwear? From here out, before we wore anything, we used the steam iron on it first. 

For dinner, we went to the hotel lobby bar and had drinks and surprisingly great food. The hotel was a giant Renaissance so there were good options. We called it a sort of early night and hoped for the best as we crawled into bed. May there be no more bites come tomorrow! 

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