Monday, December 23, 2024

Getting Angry!

 We awoke our first morning on the ship after a great night’s sleep. The beds on the princess ships have always been really good and we were pleased to see this was no exception.

I thought I would run down to the coffee bar that makes the best lattes and grab us a couple but then I thought, well, what if I can’t get back in the room? So, I ordered room service. It’s been arriving lightning fast as opposed to our last 2 cruises. 

After a nice, slow start, we were ready to emerge and go walk around the ship. We stepped out and tried our medallions on the door to find that, alas, we still cannot unlock our own door. At this point, Jason is beginning to fume. It’s pretty annoying to not be able to come and go as we please. And, it’s pretty annoying to keep having to waste time standing in the guest service line behind all the cranky people. Also, we were quickly becoming the cranky people. And that’s also annoying. Jason finally said, “I guess I’m going to have to get angry.”

We asked the Malbec crew what they thought we should do and someone suggested asking to speak to the hotel manager. Great idea! So, now we either had to stand in the long line of angry people or find a house phone. Jason didn’t want to have a cranky conversation in front of people so we found a house phone in a quiet corner where he called. He asked to speak to the hotel manager and was immediately told no. This did not sit well with him.

It went back and forth a bit and the person said she would call him back and he said, “Where? Where will you call me? Cause I CAN’T GET IN MY ROOM.” Finally, she said stay right there- I’m coming to you. Give me 5 minutes.

So, you may recall if you followed my quarantine cruise story, that these medallions we wear allow them to track us everywhere we go. So, she knew exactly where we were and before long, here she came. As soon as we saw each other, we all laughed. It was the same lovely lady who helped us last night that we’d poured on the kindness to. She said, “please don’t kill me!” Hahahaha. 

All three of us went to our room to try the 2 new medallions and 2 new key cards she printed. None of them worked. Finally, IT arrived, disassembled the door device, rebooted a few times, blah blah blah, and before long- success! Yeehaw! And for our trouble, our new guest services angel called us in a day pass to the Enclave pool/spa/sauna room. I’ll take it!

Fresh off our new victory, we needed a nap, but I also needed to do some laundry. We packed about 5 days worth of clothes so it was already time to cycle. Thankfully, the laundry room which has an amazing 2 whole washing machines, had one available. Score!

We do love a sea day- the quietness. The lack of hurry. The fact that there is just nowhere to go. It’s so starkly different from our normal way-too-much-for-any-given-day hustle. We always say that it takes us about 2 weeks off work before we feel like we’re finally settled in to being relaxed. We’re currently on day 9 as I type, but this day was merely day 7!

We rallied for Vines and the whole gang arrived - everyone freshly rested. The music was rocking in the piazza and there is great music on this ship BUT, we all were noticing how loud it was. Rich has a decibel meter app and he pulled that out and WOW - it really was loud! Most people on this boat are in the “that hurts my ears” age bracket so it is a bit surprising they’d crank it up! But also, the dance floor was packed and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

We didn’t make it to the dining room for dinner so we ordered salads to the room once we got back. In all our cruising, we often miss dinner because we get into great conversations at happy hour. I wouldn’t change a thing. 

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