Friday, April 8, 2022

The Time Capsule Status

 Breaking News! Time for a major update.

Jason’s been going to the front desk pretty often trying to get change- smaller euros to use to tip the crew. This almost always ends in Jason not getting the smaller bills. I’m not sure why the boat can’t seem to get money, but that seems to be the case. Perhaps it’s just another thing in a line of things the boat is struggling to get back in line post-COVID. 

Anyway, this particular time, I happened to be standing in line with him for some reason. I see my man, Ecer, there at the desk. Hurrah! Maybe there is a time capsule update. Once we get up there, I asked him if there was any luck blasting that sucker open. He shook his head gravely. “No, ma’am.” Jason said, “Sounds like it might be time to call the carpenter.” Ecer seemed to understand.

While we waiting to see if we could get change (No, we could not) and to try to get my ‘medallion’ to work again (a small metal token that allows me access to my room and lets me charge things) (also, no, it did not work again) Ecer called the carpenter and asked them to come. While he was on the phone, a great, and by great I mean terrible, discovery was made. 

Turns out, the day I sent Jason to drop the postcards, he didn’t drop them in the mail slot. He dropped them across the way in the “drop box” slot. Guess who didn’t have a key to the drop box either?

Jason yells to Ecer, “Tell the carpenter he needs to open this one, too,” as he points across the desk. 

Ecer said, “this is for real, yes?”

Oh, yes. 

Anyway- GET THIS. The next day we were somewhere. Here comes Ecer. He says, “ma’am! I wanted to let you know that I’ve just mailed all your postcards!”

“YAY! All of them? Even the ones Jason put in the ‘drop box’?”

“Yes,” he said, beaming with pride.

Jason said, “Ecer! What else was in there? We’re there other things?”

“Oh, yes. There was a lot! We’ve mailed it all now.”

“Could you tell how far back it went?”

“Yes, sir. Before the COVID shut down. To the last time the Regal was in the Caribbean. And because of you, all those postcards will now arrive!”

Cheers all around! 

But wait! There is more! 

So we find Rich and Ginny in Vines and we’re telling them the breaking news. GET THIS. Guess who was on the Regal before COVID shut everything down, in the Caribbean, and who mailed postcards to their family???? 



So, now we wait again. They promised to tell us if/when they hear from their people that the long lost postcards have finally arrived, years later.

What a great story. I can’t imagine all the stories this will kick up. All those lost postcards suddenly arriving from a different time and place in the world. 


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